25: Nick Santonastasso: Cuddle With Failure

25: Nick Santonastasso: Cuddle With Failure
Chris Suarez

Be prepared to have your perspective shifted in the next 30 minutes.

Nick is just that - a perspective shifter.  As one of only four humans alive with the rare genetic disorder Hanhart Syndrome, Nick was born with no legs and one arm.  You'll quickly see that this has provided him with no handicap.  By the time Nick was a teenager, he had over a million followers on social platforms being inspired by the likes of Dwayne Johnson and Ed Mylett.

Nick is a best selling author, competitive athlete and internationally known bodybuilder, a fitness model, a public speaker, and runs multiple companies.  

As Nick would say, "The biggest disability you have is not your body or what you can or can't do.  Your biggest disability or handicap is your mindset."  

This man and this interview will change yours.

In thirty minutes you'll learn:

-One of the greatest lessons and gifts his parents ever gave to him

-A simple strategy anyone can use to build confidence

-How to empower yourself and those around you

-Some of the best relationship advice I have ever heard

-Learn to turn discouragement and depression into purpose and drive

-Find the source of his boundless energy and his love for life


Nick Santonastasso - Instagram

Nick Santonastasso - Facebook

Nick Santonastasso - Youtube


Book Nick Santonastasso

Victim to Victor: How to Overcome the Victim Mentality to Live the Life You Love

Born to Break the Boundaries: How We Raised an Adaptive Child in a Handicap World

The Power of Movement: How to Avoid Stagnation and Achieve Your Dreams


26: Get In Line And Take Your Trophy


24: A Nod To The Parent