21: Creating Businesses Sparked By Relationships With Monica Pittenger

21: Creating Businesses Sparked By Relationships With Monica Pittenger
Chris Suarez

When we think about a founder that launched a company to scratch their own itch, there’s none better than Busy Beauties.

This company was founded by busy women designing products for busy women. They know the issues busy women face and want to do what they can to help take the guess work out of beauty!

Come learn:

The power of partnerships…

The scalability of relationships…

The mindset of  “mom” to entrepreneur…

How a little EXTRA will make you EXTRAordinary…

When to know you just need to go for it.

Recently teamed up with the original “Shark’, Kevin Harrington, they have begun to scale this simple solution in a big way…all founded on just wanting a different experience with those that mattered most.

Use Promo Code GROW for 33% OFF the entire Busy Beauties site

Check out their latest product Wash Yo Self wipes here!


22: To Solve Or Resolve


20: It’s Time To Add Some Heat