A Letter from Chris Suarez
Potential energy was first formally introduced by William Rankine - the 19th century Scottish engineer and physicist. He defined potential as “the energy held by an object.” It was perhaps initially conceptualized however much earlier by Greek philosopher Aristotle who wrote about his concept of “potentiality”. Aristotle believed that any object - including people - had “possibility”. That didn’t mean that all people had the same possibilities, but it did mean that we all had our own. Unlocking those possibilities is the core of what unlocking our future and our potential is all about. “Potentiality” began to be referred to as capacity, ability, capability, potency, power, strength, and force.
We all have potential. Too often we find ourselves comparing our judging our own potential on our present instead of our future. We look at ourselves and where we are right now. We compare our present situation to that of others in their present situation. We feel behind. We feel less accomplished. We feel like others have an advantage because of social or economic status, because of physical or intellectual advantage, or because of a seeming head start or lucky break.
But those are feelings. And feelings can be changed simply by looking at the present situation differently.
We must start judging ourselves based on our potential, not based on our present. Every one of the words related to “potentiality” is future facing: capacity, ability, capability, potency…
Our world - and the entire world - is built based on our search for potential.
When an investor decides to invest in a company, they are judging that company on its potential.
When we meet someone new and begin to fall in love, we are judging that person on their potential.
When we interview and hire someone for an important role, we are judging that person on their potential.
When we select a restaurant to eat at for the first time, we are judging that restaurant on its potential.
I had the opportunity over the past few weeks to be in rooms with incredibly successful business people across multiple industries. Many millionaires. A few billionaires. Many executives and entrepreneurs. A few founders and co-founders. It is easy to slip into the habit of judging our present against their potential. When we do that, we begin to separate ourselves and our potential future from those around us. We put limits on our capacity, our ability, our strength, our force. Just as important, we can begin to see others only from a place of their present and not for their true potential. Our partners, our employees, our spouses, our children all have incredible potentiality - as do you. Don’t make judgements on the present.
Potential energy is a measure of how much power an object has stored up based on its position. A drawn bow has incredible potential energy which is seen and experienced as the arrow is released. A skier at the top of a mountain has incredible potential energy, as they position their skis just over the edge of the descent. A coiled spring in the palm of your hand has incredible potential energy, before you let it go.
We would all be better off if we judged ourselves on our potential.
We would all be better off if we judged others on their potential.
We would all be better off if we looked for the potential in all things and all people.
Find the power of potential.