2021 Reading List
At Your Best - Carey Nieuwhof
Be 2.0 - Jim Collins
Be Where Your Feet Are - Scott O’Neil
Amazon Unbound - Brad Stone
Breathe - James Nestor
Chatter - Dr Ethan Kross
Courage is Calling - Ryan Holiday
Creativity, Inc. - Ed Catmull
Dear Shareholder - Lawrence Cunningham
Decoding Greatness - Ron Friedman
EQ - Daniel Goleman
From Victim to Victor - Nick Santonastasso
Get Backed - Evan Baehr
Good Company - Arthur Blank
Greenlights - Matthew McConaughey
High Growth Handbook - Elad Gil
Hit Refresh - Satya Nadella
How Innovation Works - Matt Ridley
How To Change - Katy Milkman
How To Lead - David Rubenstein
Humor, Seriously - Jennifer Acker
Impact Players - Liz Wiseman
Invent & Wander - Jeff Bezos
Letters To A Young Athlete - Chris Bosch
Lives of The Stoics - Ryan Holiday
My Life In Full - Indra Nooyi
No Rules Rules - Reed Hastings
Peak - Anders Ericsson
Peak Performance - Steve Magness
Play Nice But Win - Michael Dell
Post Corona - Scott Galloway
Pour Your Heart Into It - Howard Schultz
Procrastinate on Purpose - Rory Vaden
Real Estate Influence - Chris Stuart
Scaling Up Excellence - Robert Sutton
Scarcity - Sendhil Mullainathan
Skin In The Game - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Social Chemistry - Dr. Marissa King
Social Intelligence - Daniel Goleman
Social Learning Theory - Albert Bandura
Surrender The Outcome - Brook Cupps
Take The Stairs - Rory Vaden
The Art of Business Wars - David Brown
The Art of War - Sun Tzu
The Attributes - Rich Diviney
The Banker’s Code - George Antone
The Choice of Hercules - A.C. Grayling
The Coaching Habit - Michael Bungay Stanier
The Code Breaker - Walter Isaacson